Tony, I've attached "a letter" I received from Andy Nigut. It's about a book I sent him, authored by a Navy Chaplain that Marty S. and I attended Language School w/ before going on to Nam.
Andy was most grateful for the book, as you will see in the attached letter. My mind & memory is not so good these I just don't remember Andy, nor communicating with him. By any chance, do you have a photo of him?.....that you could send me in an attachment. If not, that's OK.
By the way, I'm going to be sending you ALL the pics I've got of me (and/or others) from Nam. I can't find the originals among ALL my life's memorabilia, but I've found them on my files, pic library, documents, downloads, scans, etc. They may be coming to you in separate emails, hopefully w/ some "text" about them (and names if possible). So, stand by. S/F, Tiff
Link to info on Operation Durham Peak Sent by Richard Tiffany below on page

Richard Tiffany/Going for supplies

on road by bidge An Hoa

overseeing amo dump An Hoa

Richar Tiffany and Tom Rhodes

Richard Tiffany in vill with kids
Link to info on Operation Durham Peak Sent by Richard Tiffany
Tony, don't know if you can open and read ALL the pages in these two
attachments. They were "so large" they "sent" in an unusual
manner on my Google Drive. Anyway, again, they are just pages about OP. Durham
Peak, which may have been AFTER your time in Nam. But, for those of us who were
their for most of 1969, and early 1970.....that was a significant OP for us. So,
just might consider forwarding it "to some." Your call.
S/F, Tiff
Operation Durham Peak 1
Operation Durham Peak 2
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